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Citun’s Storm Page 12

  “Oh my God, that beast is as big as a mammoth, and those warriors pummeled it to death in moments.”

  “Female Zargonnii mean business when they Holiday. They want nothing to come between them and an offspring.”

  “Those are female Zargonnii?” Her eyes were wide as flying saucers.


  “They’re massive. You fight these females expecting to win?”

  “I do win, well I did. I won’t ever Holiday again. Well, maybe to the beach or at a cottage if I can find a few beers.”

  Storm offered him a wry grin. “Do you remember everything I say?”


  “So, I can stop telling you I love you because you already heard me say it?”

  “Maybe you should tell me more often. I hear some males have selective hearing and need to be reminded occasionally about the important stuff.”

  Storm moved into his arms. “I love you. When do we land?”

  “I’m debating whether or not to send us directly to where I live. Some males and females are already together. Males and females are very protective of their partner once dominance is established. I wouldn’t want a female thinking you want her mate. Females want a daughter, with every fiber of their being, if a female thinks for a second you might stand in her way…well…”

  Storm took a step back and spread her arms wide. “How many of your females would consider me a threat?”

  She had a point. Citun figured if a Zargonnii female came across her they might laugh. But there was a bigger threat.

  “There are warriors who might challenge me for you. It’s rare, but it has happened to other warriors. It’s obvious you can be dominated, in a heartbeat.” She punched him. “Then again, it’s suicide to challenge a male for a female who belongs to him.”

  “I belong to you?” Her tone was dripping in sarcasm.

  “Relax, for a male Zargonnii, possession of a female means mostly I would kill to keep you safe and with me.”

  “So, aside from certain death, what other treasures does your planet hold?”

  “Our planet is beautiful. Maybe I should show instead of tell.”

  Citun pulled her into his arms. He ordered Jari to send them to the surface. With a wink Jari nodded.

  “After we’re down, send the other warriors in twos at ten minute intervals. Some are going batty with the need to Holiday. I want to make sure I get Storm away. Something tells me the females on the planet will have their hands full with our males.”

  “Of course, Citun.”

  “Will you be joining the other warriors?” Citun asked Jari.

  “No. Taft and I will be busy here for a while. Right now, the planet would scare Lano. She’s not disappearing anywhere for a long time. Except to my quarters. I’m sure Taft feels the same way about Ashala.”

  Citun chuckled. He gazed down at Storm as the tug of the planet called. “Ready or not, here we come.”

  Chapter 11

  Storm was certain she was gazing at a jungle on steroids. Wild, wacky, weird. She listed the words off in her thoughts. The sky was vividly colored with a few black holes. Creepy vulture-like birds glared at her, their comical cartoonish beaks resting on their chests. Citun was watching her reaction. She tried to smile at him, but the expression he returned made her wonder if she appeared constipated.

  Citun wrapped an arm around her shoulders. They were in a small clearing, and a path to her left was visible. The ground beneath her feet crackled in her moccasins, she preferred her own to the replicators, when she took her first step. As they walked, her heart began to pound until she wondered if Citun could hear it. A number of tiny ponds were scattered about, each covered in a layer of smelly scum surrounded by various brush. Citun informed her the scum was deadly and never to drink from anywhere except the replicated liquid. She remembered he made her promise to stay clear of them.

  The air was warm; a gentle breeze ruffled her hair. There was a strange scent in the air. Her surroundings were charged; she could feel the tension mount the further into the jungle they went. Massive trees made her do a double take when she was positive long vines crept along the ground reaching for her. She narrowed her eyes, certain she heard whispering. The trees were talking.

  Straining, she heard in an ancient language a female was about, a human. A warrior was with her, a dominant to her submissive. Soon an answering voice rumbled up under her feet far from within the ground as roots carried a message. She wasn’t to be harmed. Storm gazed up at Citun he was oblivious to the conversation. She swore the trees chuckled and called her silly. Soon enough, she would understand the trees may one day be her best friends. They were a female secret, one she needed to keep, and Storm knew she would. Who would believe her?

  A scream made her hair stand on end, and Storm was hard pressed not to jump into Citun’s arms. A massive creature, nine feet tall jumped from the foliage to snarl at them. Storm knew if her mouth hung open any farther, it would be on the ground. The female Zargonnii was built with curves. Warriors had broad chests, the female didn’t. Storm had no doubt if Citun and the female engaged in battle, there was no telling who would win.

  “Do not fear, human,” the Zargonnii said. “I am Citun’s sister. I was hoping he would find a female of his own. The females here tire of his dominance.”

  “I’m sorry I’m staring, but it’s hard to wrap my head around the idea of anything, warrior included, dominating females such as you.”

  The female chuckled and tossed her head, long white beautiful hair fell until the tips touched the ground. Her red eyes blazed for a moment. “Citun would never dominate me. But he’s family and we do not mate family. He’s my little brother. And a fine leader.”

  She wasn’t speaking with contempt, but fondness and Storm could tell she was proud of him.

  “Citun, your sister is beautiful.” Storm gazed at Citun, his expression made it appear he was smelling a year-old dead fish. “What’s wrong?”

  “Family gives off a noxious odor to keep us from mating one another. What does she want? How did she know we were here? Hell. Tell her I say hi.”

  “Citun says hi.” Awkward. “He’s wondering if there is anything you’d like to ask during this visit? And how did you know he was here, or did you?”

  “You know how I knew.” She gave a conspirator nod to the trees. “Only females hear the trees. Our secret, now yours. Listen to them and they will aid you here. They knew who you were the second they saw Citun and informed me to your whereabouts. I’ll follow you from a distance. My brother stinks. There are warriors who have your scent. As many as five. If Citun has to fight them all off you might accidently be hurt. I won’t allow that. We are family after all. One day, I hope to have nieces I can see him hold. I am Citun’s only family. Other females have born little female offspring I see, but yours will be special. He isn’t allowed near the other children. No male is welcome in the female area. I hope to be able to visit when Citun isn’t around. Females come and go as we please, anywhere. I am Amma.”

  It took a second for Storm to digest the information. Big bad warriors, huh. Girls ruled, that was for certain. For some reason she found the idea amusing; it might have been Amma’s grin.

  “Amma says we’re being followed by five warriors. I thought your warriors listened to you?”

  “Mine do, yes. A Holiday is a grey area, tempers and testosterone run high. There could be visiting southern Zargonnii who answer to Titus. My sister is trying to protect me? That’s embarrassing.”

  “She’s here to protect me and any future offspring. If you need to engage in battle, she’s worried something else might sneak up on me while you’re busy.”

  “Oh well, that’s all right then.”

  Storm rolled her eyes, and Amma laughed. “My brother has said something stupid, yes?”

  “He’s male; they all do eventually, if you let them talk long enough.”

  “True. I often wonder if we can’t understand each other because they wo
uld talk us into killing them with stupid.”

  Storm chuckled then gasped. Three warriors burst through the foliage. Amma hissed and she grabbed one and tossed his howling ass over the trees before Storm could blink, she was again standing mouth agape. Not to be outdone by his sister Citun smashed the remaining two together, head first. Both sank to the ground. Amma strolled to one and hefted him over her shoulder. She glanced back at Storm.

  “Tell my brother there are two left; he should be able to handle them alone. I’ve been looking for this warrior. He gave me a beautiful daughter last time. I would like another. We will talk soon.”

  “It was nice meeting you, Amma. Thank you.”

  Amma waved as she faded into the jungle. Storm took Citun by the hand. “Two are left.”

  “I think the warriors were curious, nothing more. The scent of two females in one place would draw attention,” Citun said.

  The farther they walked, Storm was certain they were being watched. She heard the voices and wondered why Citun couldn’t hear them, before she saw the males. Citun stiffened and sniffed the air. When the warriors stepped in front of them, Citun pulled her behind him. He didn’t appear surprised to see them. She wondered if he had a certain scent he searched for instead of sound.

  “Go home. This is north Zargonnii territory. Mate on your own hemisphere.” Citun was growling.

  “Human females are hard to come by. Some don’t necessarily want the warrior who steals them.” Both warriors’ fighting stance was undeniable.

  “This is my mate. Storm chooses to be with me. Do not make me fight you. You will lose.”

  Storm was worried. This confrontation was scaring her. The warriors acted as though they might actually kill. Zargonnii didn’t hurt Zargonnii. At least they didn’t kill one another. Storm didn’t want to hurt anyone. This confrontation was a huge mistake. Her fear turned to anger. Warriors were belligerent and crude. They had no right to assume who she should be with, she had a mind of her own. She knew what was in her best interest. Rage began to build. After that thought her arms almost hit the ground with the weight of the baby boy who suddenly appeared.

  Zell was glaring at the two warriors. Green eyes sparked. A warrior yelped when zapped. Zell yelled a warning. The threat was unmistakable. Zell gazed into Storm’s eyes, she could see his worry but she was confused.

  “Titus would be furious to find you warriors here in north Zargonnii territory, Citun’s territory. How dare you even think to battle, especially a leader for his mate?”

  The woman who appeared was obviously Zell’s mother. She was tall and beautiful, and pissed. Her green eyes flashed daggers as her ebony hair swayed. Her stride was hurried as she charged into their midst.

  “Human females are special,” one of the warriors said. “Why do only some warriors get them while others Holiday and are left with nothing most often?”

  “I don’t know. But know this, Zell took off so fast from his dinner I knew there was danger. There is, I can tell. Neither of you have any clue how close to death you are.”

  The woman was gazing at Storm when she declared her threat. Citun scowled.

  “What are you talking about?” Citun demanded.

  “My name is Zabbie, Titus’s mate. Zell isn’t here to protect the female; he’s here to save the warriors.”

  Storm was dumbfounded. “I wouldn’t kill.”

  “Not on purpose,” Zabbie said. “You have a weapon in your thoughts. Something deadly. I can see it through Zell’s eyes but he can’t explain the substance to me. I’ve never seen it before. Something that could slice these warriors in two with a simple thought in reaction to your anger.”

  “The material on the other planet. The one your son said was omnipotent. I broke it.” Storm was thoughtful. “But I’d only ever hurt someone to save Citun. I, I felt the anger growing, but I would never want to kill anyone. Especially a warrior.”

  Zabbie commanded the warriors to leave. Telling them Titus would deal with them and because she and Zell took off so fast she had no doubt Titus was on the move and fueled by worry. She took Zell into her arms. Zell cast a few more glowing green lasers to the warriors’ asses to hasten their departure.

  “I was informed you met my son and Ryker. Storm, right?” Storm nodded. “The Gorgano fucks us women up something awful sometimes. Go with Citun. After the Holiday, we can meet. We need to get that power of yours under control. Zell has shown me what the substance looks like; maybe Titus knows what it’s made from, and I’ll see what I can do. If you need me think of Zell and he can tell me. His aptitude grows daily. But I can tell you’re connected to me and the other females who encountered the Gorgano. It’s why Zell can find you so easily. I can sense you, but Zell can feel you in his thoughts.”

  “He really is powerful,” Citun said.

  Zabbie chuckled. “You have no idea.”

  The two vanished. Citun was chuckling but Storm was worried. The boy thought she might kill, could she? Storm didn’t want to. She gripped Citun to her.

  “What if I hurt you by accident?”

  “You won’t. Something I learned about females. Yes, you get angry; yes, you have crazy obnoxious emotions. But when you love, boundaries on your fury expand in a way that restricts you from harming someone accidently.”

  A wild red furry creature came flying out of the jungle straight toward Citun’s back. Storm screamed. The beast stopped moving and slid apart into two separate piles; Storm had cut it right down the middle, from head to crotch, with her razor thoughts. She threw up. The idea she might have done that to the warriors was terrifying.

  “I want to be inside now.” She gasped, a hand held to her chest. She waved the other arm in the air searching for Citun, she needed him to hold her up.

  Citun picked her up and cradled her against his chest. “I know you won’t appreciate this remark right now. That was fucking awesome.”

  “I made it into twins,” she whimpered and hated the tone of her voice.

  “Cyrons are going to run screaming when they see you. My killer mate.”

  “You’re not being helpful.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Your chuckling says otherwise.”

  Citun started running with her in his arms. She was certain he giggled the word twins. She didn’t know what was more disturbing, the scene they left or a four hundred pound leader-warrior who giggled.

  * * * *

  Storm stood staring out the large window in Citun’s home, it led to the backyard. Citun punched in a code on the wall and stepped through the substance humans said resembled glass. He heard her sharp intake of breath and glanced back to grin at her. He put his hand through the substance, reaching for her. She offered him a charming smile, gripped his fingers and followed him.

  Outside, they heard the growls and bellowing of the Holiday being engaged all around them. Citun had heard the exchange his entire life; it was part of his heritage. Storm’s smile died on her lips. Citun’s heart was pounding. He tried to look at the ritual from her perspective. He imagined the piercing screams were frightening; the bone chilling, deep guttural growls might be intimidating. Storm had no idea of the restraint he used when they made love.

  “Sounds like there’s a war going on,” she said.

  “In a way, I guess there is,” he replied. “The spoils of war will be who receives the coveted offspring.”

  “Don’t either sex get any enjoyment from simply having sex?”

  “Sure. The sex is a bonus but not the goal.”

  “What about the domination? Is that a bonus for whoever wins?”

  “I have learned, with your help, being with a human is far different than being with a female Zargonnii. You smile at me, caress me, touch me, talk to me. I don’t understand a female Zargonnii. I have no idea if one wants to be touched. All I know is they want a daughter. Our females love their sons. So much so they will kill a cyron if they even suspect one is near their son’s home. There is nothing more dangerous on this pla
net than a female protecting her offspring, of any sex. It’s a mother who supplies her son with a cyron when he leaves his father’s home. Zargonnii homes, at least the males’, are made of cyron pelts and bones. If I had a son while my mother was alive, she and the boy’s mother would bring me another cyron to fortify my home. Their baby gift, I guess.

  “All males are warriors. It’s in our blood to battle, but if we battle a female who can only be dominated to the point of causing irreversible harm, we will stop the battle. No female deserves to be harmed when they give life. Warriors understand if they kill a female they could potentially be killing a comrade, or a leader. Who knows how many lives would be lost with the death of a single female. Castians came close to extinction when their females were murdered. Without my mother, I would never have existed.

  “After a while, females will stay away from a male they know they can’t dominate, even if he gives them many daughters.”


  “I think because they begin to wonder at their purpose. They are stronger, but if you take their strength they feel less a female. The trek to deliver a single son to a father can be deadly. When we Holiday, many females come together at one time for the ritual. A tight circle offers protection. As long as we keep a respectful distance. Not many male Zargonnii are born and many mothers come back to male territory alone. Some have died. Occasionally, a warrior has come across a body or remains.”

  “Why don’t males go out looking for a female to see if they have a son?”

  “A female with a child is deadly. The baby must be given to the right father. A touchy area, and scent is everything. Too much testosterone in a single area would be confusing. Imagine a female’s fear if she felt she must battle dozens of warriors to find the right one? A shame, but the females can’t band together when the north is so vast. A warrior’s home could be anywhere and she must find him.