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Guardian [New World Book 6] Page 13

  “They live in here,” Roam replied and placed her hand over his heart when he picked her up. His large hand settled over her chest.

  It was true. Roam could feel the essence of his warrior mate in Scarlet the second he touched her. It’s what connected him to the child. If they blindfolded him and set him amidst a thousand children, Roam would be able to find Scarlet. She was also part of Roam. Scarlet gazed at him quizzically.

  “There’s a lot of people in there,” she whispered, her hand still pressed hard to his chest.

  Roam smiled. The child would sense Taz, she was his family now. All of Taz’s family would belong to Scarlet as well. Now that he was mated to Jinx, Scarlet would automatically love her, she wouldn’t be able not to; Jinx was part of Roam. Because Roam’s essence mixed with Scarlet, the woman and child would be connected.

  “Are you going away too?” Scarlet asked.


  “I feel so many people inside your heart. Is there room for me?”

  Roam lay her head against his heart. If she were a full-blooded Castian, she wouldn’t need to ask. It took her a moment to connect with all the thoughts inside of her. She would have her father’s memories, if not her mothers.

  “Can you sense them, little one?” Roam asked.

  “Maybe. But there are weird things, not Castian and not human.”

  Roam chuckled. It was Taz she was sensing. “You have a new cousin and one on the way.”

  “Did you have a baby?”

  “No. While I was on Earth, I warrior mated with another to help protect his family.”

  She leaned back eyes wide. “Did my father know?” she demanded.

  “It was his idea.”

  Scarlet looked thoughtful for a moment before laying her head once more against Roam’s chest. Roam could scent her confusion, but there was something else.

  “Maybe father knew he was going to die.”

  Roam cupped her chin. “Now where is that coming from?”

  “Some people have pe-mi-nitions.”

  “You mean—premonitions. How did you even know that word?”

  “What’s a sixth sense? Is it a different way to spell? Or does it mean does six make sense?”

  Their conversation was odd. Scarlet was smart, but she was still only four. When Roam looked into her cherub face, he saw her eyes flicker as though she were reading a book.


  “You’re different.”

  “In what way?”

  Scarlet gripped one of his hands. She studied his fingers closely until her gaze centered onto the finger that would curl into a claw once shielded. She looked deeply into Roam’s eyes.

  “You cut through armor.”

  Roam blinked in disbelief. “How do you know?”

  “I saw it.”

  “That’s impossible.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  Roam spun around and stood with Scarlet clutched to his chest. When Scarlet saw Jinx the child immediately held her arms out to her. Jinx held her so she could look into Scarlet’s eyes.

  “You called me,” Jinx said in confusion. “I could see you.”

  “You called me,” Scarlet said with as much confusion.

  Jinx stood mouth agape for a moment before whispering, “The Gorgano.”

  “They better not come near me or I’ll blow them up like you did,” Scarlet said, her little girl voice that of an excited twitter. “Except what was that big ugly green thing that bitted him?”

  “A gator.”

  Jinx looked like she had been hit by a truck. Roam wondered how much of a connection Jinx and Scarlet had between them because of their bond with him. The Gorgano must have intensified their feelings. More importantly how could Jinx learn to tune the child out or hide memories. There were some memories Jinx had that Roam was certain he didn’t want little Scarlet privy too.

  “I better get you two home,” Roam said.

  He dragged Jinx to his chest and, as his shield closed over her and the child, Jinx was lifted up to wrap her legs around his waist. She didn’t bother to hold onto him, she didn’t need to. It would take more than a nuclear blast directly on top of him to drop his shield.

  By the time Roam had climbed high into the hive to reach his domicile, Scarlet was asleep in Jinx’s arms when his shield dropped. Roam gathered the child to his chest and went to settle her onto his bed. He looked around the large room, pondering.

  “You look lost in thought,” Jinx said.

  She went to him and laid her head against his bare chest. Roam wrapped his arms around her and held her easily. He was lost in thought. This had been his home for hundreds of years. Once mated, he could have stayed longer; even after the birth of their first child, they could have stayed for a while. But it was too dangerous for a four-year-old female with no baby shield this high up. If somehow she managed to open the door, there was a sheer drop off no more than a foot away.

  “You look sad,” Jinx said.

  “No, not sad,” he said.

  “I’m already in love with Scarlet,” Jinx said. Roam knew she was, he should have remembered it worked both ways. Roam loved the child—Jinx would feel what he felt.

  He then went on to explain they needed to move immediately. Roam knew Cobra would offer him Slay’s domicile. It was near Taz on the bottom level. Roam knew Taz could use some help. Haven was annoyed with only being thirteen. If she mated at twenty-one she would be unable to have a child until the next must cycle hit, not for hundreds of years. Roam couldn’t exactly see what Taz saw, but his bond was as strong as it had been with Slay. There was something though—something else.

  It hit Roam then, he felt as though he had connected with his shadow. His warrior mating was so much more complex than it had been with Slay. Jinx was staring up at him expectantly.

  “We have to move,” Roam said.

  Jinx smiled. “I kinda guessed when you stepped onto the landing and immediately opened your door. Your home is different from Jade’s and Rand’s. It’s much higher.”

  “I was a bachelor.”

  “Now you’re mated with a small child to care for.”

  “I can feel Taz’s annoyance. The warriors must be all over Skylar. She’s of age and they are in must.”

  “Is she in danger?”

  “No, not really.”

  “Not really?”

  “The warriors may get too pushy, not with her, with each other. No one would dare hurt her. Who wants to mate with a hurtful male? But the warriors may fight between themselves, and she could get scared.”

  “Hmm, huge hunky guys fighting over me would certainly terrify me,” she said dryly.

  “No one will be fighting over you. You’re my mate.”

  Jinx stood on tip toe for a kiss. After their kiss broke, she traced his chest with her finger. “I feel you inside me.”

  Roam grinned and was about to respond when an alarm sounded. Scarlet woke sobbing. Jinx gathered her quickly into her arms.

  “What is it, Roam? What’s happening?”

  Roam grabbed them both to his chest and his shield went up. He was on the move to the lower level.

  “We’re at war.”

  Chapter 10

  Jinx watched out a huge window in an open room. The room was filled with women and older female children. Roam had only a few moments to explain to Jinx a human male could be turned Castian, if he warrior mated. All human males had chosen to make the change. The females were protected by numerous Castian and Tonan warriors, one of which was Taz. In another room were other women, alone. Taz explained those females were pregnant and woe be to any intruder who tried to touch them. It made Jinx wish she was carrying.

  Jinx could see Macey in the other room pacing anxiously, but Taz held both Ally and Haven tucked into his shield. Any young child was with a warrior, including Scarlet. Roam was eight hundred years old; he was expected to join Cobra in the ranks. Scarlet had been handed over to a four hundred year old male, a friend of Slay’
s. The warrior’s shield would calm her.

  The bond between Jinx and Scarlet was strong. Roam had informed her nothing could detect the child hidden behind a shield, even him, but Jinx knew exactly where she was. The Gorgano had done something to Jinx and because she was connected to Roam and Roam was connected to Scarlet as though she were his own, she was now Jinx’s.

  Scarlet was sleeping, Jinx sensed it. The shield would keep her comfortably warm; it would control any bodily functions. Jinx was also practicing tuning the child out. It became easier as the hours went by. The connection was never severed, just dulled, and when contact became too far Scarlet would stir and search for Jinx in her thoughts. A simple calming vision of pleasant things Jinx had seen in her childhood would settle the girl.

  In the recesses of her mind, Jinx also felt Roam. He was safe, if not anxious. The Tonan rogue warriors had teamed up with the Gorgano to destroy their fiercest enemy. Jinx was annoyed, she knew how to mind battle; she should have been allowed to go with Roam. Roam insisted the battle was in the skies this time. Jinx would be of little use.

  “They’ve engaged.” Came a shout.

  Jinx felt Roam’s anxiety shoot up until his shield settled his emotions. The shield could calm him, but it wasn’t able to mask his emotions from her. A dark shroud of fury engulfed Roam. Jinx could do more than the shield. Her mind which had centered onto his sent a wave of compassion, love, longing for his return. It took the barest of seconds before she was awash with the same feelings.

  There were chairs and tables in the room. Jinx went to the replicator for coffee, then settled at one of the tables. From her position, she could see Jade. She struggled with the need to go to her. There were no warriors in the other room. Jade couldn’t go to Jinx because of the warriors in with Jinx. Jade’s baby shield would toss the males on their asses.

  Frustrated, Jinx drank from her mug. She would sit still and do as she was told for once. If the Gorgano attacked with the Tonans while she was unprotected she could get Roam killed. Scarlet would no doubt be shuffled off again. Not used to feeling so helpless, Jinx drummed her fingers across the table top. Waiting was never one of her better qualities.

  * * * *

  Roam stood on the bridge of the ship. In the skies, he could see out the large window from the bridge. Tonans to the left, Gorgano to the right. Cobra had other vessels, but one was still collecting warriors from Earth. Cobra’s son, Rask, was still on Bagron dealing with situations as Gorgano landed sporadically, attempting to kill unsuspecting Castians, loyal Tonans or females.

  The ship was blasted mercilessly from both sides. Roam knew if the ship exploded, he and the others wouldn’t die. But floating around in space wasn’t an appealing thought. He would either be captured or would have to await rescue from fellow Castians once Rask showed up.

  “Brace for impact,” Cobra shouted.

  The Tonan ship collided with their vessel, breaching the hull and sending warriors into the dark sky. Cobra swore. The ship was spinning. As it spun in quick circles, Roam punched the target panel in quick succession. The Gorgano vessel was hit with rapid fire throughout its entire vessel. Gorgano beings also began rolling and tumbling into space, except the creatures weren’t shielded; they died instantly.

  “The Tonan ship is coming again. It’s a suicide mission,” Cobra shouted.

  He had to be right. The Tonans were determined to break the ship apart at any cost. Roam raced for the console holding the torpedoes. The dark open space above his head had him hanging onto the panel with one hand, keeping him in place. With the ship spinning, timing would be tricky. The red flashing button would release enough power to decimate an opponent. The torpedoes flew, landing square in the belly of the Tonan ship. The explosion was immediate but so close it rocked the Castian vessel back into the Gorgano. The ships lights flickered on impact. The console where Roam stood caught fire. Sparks flew haphazard sending him reeling back to the captain’s chair where Cobra struggled to remain upright.

  “Damn it, where the hell is the backup generator?” Roam yelled.

  “Were dead in the water,” Cobra shouted. He reached for Roam’s hand as his feet slipped from under him. Roam latched onto Cobra and both warriors hung on.

  Half the Tonan ship was obliterated; it still wasn’t enough. “They’re firing up,” Roam bellowed.

  “The shields are gone,” another yelled.

  “They’ve locked onto us,” a warrior bellowed. “Cobra, I can’t get us back on line. I need more time.”

  “We’re out of time. Brace for impact,” Cobra shouted.

  Roam had never felt so helpless. His pounding heart had to be regulated repeatedly by his armor. The Tonan vessel inched forward, determined to make this shot count. Roam could see the Tonan at the helm, his hand hovering over the device that would end the battle. The whites of the bastard’s fangs gleamed.

  A massive white light exploded in front of the Castian vessel. Roam threw his arm up to cover his eyes. Even with his own shield in place, the light was brutal. When Roam looked out the window, the Tonan ship was gone; it had been vaporized. A Zargonnii war vessel now stood between the Castians and the Gorgano.

  The Zargonnii were incapable of protecting themselves from the Gorgano, if they were to be boarded. Roam heard their Castian ship suddenly power up.

  “We’re back on line, hang on,” Cobra shouted.

  With the last of their power, the Castians rammed the Gorgano ship. The vessel was sliced down its middle. The squealing sound resembled Jinx’s stubborn, dilapidated can opener. The heavens, filled already with Tonan warriors, were filled anew with dying Gorgano and floating Castians. The Zargonnii picked off the Gorgano one by one until there were no more. Castian warriors were sucked onto the Zargonnii vessel. The rogue Tonans who had been protected by their shields from the Zargonnii blast were left to flounder in space. They would eventually die. There was no sunlight where they battled. As soon as their shield ran out of juice it would fall and then fade, the Tonans inside would be vulnerable.

  A voice came over the console. “This is Titus, leader of the Zargonnii South. A few of my men have been transported to Bagron to assist. Your warriors we collected were sent with them. We were on our way to Earth when we heard your distress call to another Castian vessel.”

  Titus’s words were guttural but recognizable to the Castians. When their species had been discovered, Cobra insisted his warriors learn the Zargonnii language, as they would be allies. It was impossible for the large Zargonnii’s to learn English.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Titus. Your help has been greatly appreciated,” Cobra said.

  “Not a problem. I have a few technicians who will board your ship. Shit, Cobra, your vessel’s a mess.”

  “No doubt. Thank you for the offer.”

  “Not a problem. Citun, North Zargonnii leader has already made his way to Earth. I was sidetracked but can spare some time and some of my mercenaries.”

  “I need to get some of my warriors back onto my planet,” Cobra said.

  As soon as Cobra said this Roam was awash with the feeling of distress. It was Jinx. “Cobra,” I need a portal, now,” he yelled in panic.

  Instantly a black portal opened. Roam raced through hoping he wouldn’t be too late to save her life—and his.

  * * * *

  The creature was huge. Over seven feet tall, red glowing eyes, long black fingernails. When he growled, huge sharp teeth were exposed behind blue lips. Women were screaming, running in every direction. It was pandemonium. The Tonan who attacked the seven foot being was picked up and tossed over Jinx’s head. The beast-being winked at Jinx who stood mouth gaping up at him.

  “You’re a Zargonnii,” Jinx whispered loud enough for the being to hear her.

  “You’ve tangled with the Gorgano,” he replied.

  Jinx wondered how he knew, then realized she had spoken to him in his language and understood when he answered. She wondered what other abilities she had courtesy of the Gorg
ano. Jinx shrieked when the massive Zargonnii was suddenly pinned to a wall. A Gorgano held him while attacking Jinx. The Zargonnii howled in agony. Jinx centered her thoughts on the tall naked spindly creature who could only battle with thought.

  There was a barricade in her mind disallowing any thoughts to enter. She ran at the creature and literally kicked his ass. When her bare foot landed on the center of the Gorgano butt, it went flying into a wall. The Zargonnii dropped and grabbing the ugly creature he snapped its back across a knee. The Zargonnii then made a huge fist and aimed it in Jinx’s direction. Openmouthed, she stood motionless as the fist hit just over her head. Spinning, she saw the rogue Tonan go sailing across the room.

  “Jinx, come to me,” Taz yelled. His shield dropped as he handed Haven over to another warrior. The frightened teen didn’t want to leave him. Taz gripped Haven’s shoulders with one hand while keeping Ally close. “I’m not abandoning you, Haven. I love you and swear everything will be alright. Any warrior here can shield you, sweetheart, you’re a child. But Jinx is in danger. Only I can shield her. If she dies, so does Roam.”

  Bravely Haven nodded and was swept up fast by another warrior. More Gorgano entered the room. A woman screamed and instead of running to Taz, Jinx fled to the woman. As she ran she centered her thoughts. The Gorgano exploded; the woman on the ground had her hands to her ears but she was fine.

  Jinx wanted nothing more than the safety of Taz’s arms, but she could do more damage unshielded. She watched as Taz snapped his armor up last second before a rogue warrior struck out at him and Ally screamed. When Taz used his claw to rip into the Tonan, Jinx was ready. Her thoughts invaded the Tonan mind and she took a cleaver to his brain. The Tonan dropped dead. Taz spun to stare at her.

  “I got this,” she yelled. “Just do your thing and I’ll do mine.”

  “Fine,” Taz snapped back. “But if you die, Roam’s going to kill us both.”

  No doubt, I can sense Roam’s panic.

  Taz moved close but didn’t bring her into his shield. With Taz on her left and the Zargonnii warrior on her right, the three continued to engage in battle. The room was filled with action. Tonan engaged rogue Tonan. Castians viciously fought Gorgano and rogue Tonan. Jinx centered her thoughts on the ones nearby or she would never get anywhere in the foray. Women were screaming as Jinx yelled to them to fight in their minds. More women caught on and the Gorgano began to fall in larger numbers. When a Castian warrior fell, Jinx was heartbroken as his shield rusted and squealed its pain. Not far from him was a fallen female. His mate had died; the warrior wanted to be with her.