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Citun’s Storm Page 14

  Citun went to the console in the corner and punched in a code. He directed a small force field onto a visible boulder outside the building. The force field wasn’t made of the unknown material but kick ass nonetheless. It was a Gorgano material used by the ugly aliens and rogue Tonan on their vessels. He returned to Storm.

  “The boulder outside is protected, but I want you in here. I want to see if distance will make a difference.”

  Storm stood at the window and centered her gaze. Citun could see from her facial features her mind was working at a frantic pace.

  “I can’t see the force field, there’s no object to concentrate on but the boulder. In order to get through to the boulder, I need to annihilate the force field. It’s hard to concentrate on something I can’t see,” she muttered.

  Citun watched as Ashala slipped her hand into Storm’s. The slight crease of the frown smoothed on Storm’s forehead soon after.

  “Can you see it?” Ashala said. Citun saw nothing.

  “Yes,” Storm said.

  “What?” Taft asked.

  “The ash on the force field. I see the ash.” Storm’s words were filled with excitement.

  Suddenly, there was a loud boom and the boulder split in two. Both females hugged and smiled.

  “The dynamic duo strikes again,” Storm said and laughed. She turned to Citun. “We got this.”

  “That’s good. Titus is forming his own search party, but he will be going after the Tonans. Storm’s ability is unique to her. Zell isn’t old enough to manipulate feelings of deep love and protectiveness for a mate. Zabbie can’t understand the way you slice through the material until Zell can explain. She loves Titus and would no doubt kill for him, but each mate loves in a different way,” Citun said.

  “Then there’s nothing left to do but find us some Gorgano butt to kick,” Storm said.

  All agreed.

  * * * *

  Finding the Gorgano wasn’t difficult. Lano had remained undetected when she first appeared on Citun’s ship and was able to mask Storm and Ashala’s presence on their new mission. When the Gorgano engaged, Storm and Ashala stood holding hands on the bridge and sliced through the ship with ease. The Gorgano never saw them coming. Citun was thrilled.

  “You did it,” Jari yelled.

  “There was never any doubt.” Citun cast a fond gaze at Storm who stood grinning.

  The Gorgano ship exploded with no escaping shuttles detected. This was a huge victory and Citun couldn’t wait to celebrate.

  Their victory was short lived when Citun felt dizzy; he stumbled, hearing cries of disbelief and suddenly found himself on another vessel. The alien ship had been hiding behind a large asteroid. Citun materialized on the large vessel, into a cage in the hangar. He could only peer out a small window at the darkness of the floating asteroid beyond. A large male stood smiling at him.

  “Relax, Zargonnii, we have no intention of hurting you. We were in a mess hiding from those fucking Gorgano until you came. I want the weapon you possess that cuts through a force field. We aren’t enemies. My people are new to this galaxy and we only want the ability to fight those ugly beasts. Fuckers killed half our females and slaughtered children before we could outrun them. Forced us into hiding. I want revenge in the worst way possible.”

  “How do you know I’m a Zargonnii? How do you speak my language?” Citun said and gripped the bars. They bent slightly under pressure and he relaxed. He could escape.

  “We catch air waves when possible. Bits of information are leaked. My people are good with other languages, we have the ability to master almost anything once exposed to the tones. You don’t look like a human; I hear they are small and without the ability to protect themselves. You look like you can kick some serious ass. Our ship is damaged. We only want a new home; ours was destroyed. Tonan landed and manipulated the climate until our world became ice. We have been searching for a new home for years.”

  Citun assessed him. He was tall, near Citun’s height, broad. His eyes were black with golden flecks. He wore tight black pants and a simple black vest unbuttoned. On his feet were ankle high black boots. His ebony hair was short and on his broad biceps there were six tattoos, three on each arm, also black, emphasizing his muscle mass.

  “Kidnapping isn’t the best way to strike up a relationship.”

  “All I want is the means to recreate your weapon, and you may leave unharmed. I don’t want you dead or any Zargonnii. I only want to protect those of my people who are left.”

  “How many of you are there?”

  “Enough to start a new colony. Now tell me about the weapon.”

  There was no way Citun was going to tell him about Storm. “What’s your name?”


  “I’m Citun. The only way you will get near my weapon, Battle, is to battle.”

  “So be it.”

  The door to the cage sprung open and Citun was free. The two warriors circled each other. Citun was the first to make a move. He lunged for the male, gripping his forearms in a test of strength. Battle was strong, as strong as Citun. That was his first surprise. The next came when Citun slipped into battle mode. So, too, did the alien.

  Eyes once flecked in gold were now a solid gold on one side, black the other side. Like Amini, Storm’s alien female friend who had been injured, the man shifted into a massive black cat. Only this cat was twice as large as Amini. Fangs a foot long hung down either side of his mouth.

  “We have been stolen from, our females taken and murdered. Our loved ones destroyed. No more. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you do not give me that weapon,” Battle said, his words a growl.

  “I’ve seen one such as you,” Citun said.

  That stopped Battle in his tracks. “Where?”

  “Another planet. A female.”

  “Not possible, our females were all but destroyed. The ones stolen were murdered. Tonans have no mercy. Grouped with Gorgano they have even less.”

  “This female is alive, at least she was when I saw her last. My mate can mind-battle the Gorgano, she gave the others an edge and protected them. Your females are lilac with indigo eyes, tiny with a pink tail. When she shifted she was half your size.”

  “Only the young cannot shift. Not until they are older, and females never become larger than the males. Only females are born with tails. You could have seen images.”

  Citun didn’t like being referred to as a liar. But the look of hope stymied his rage. “My mate was with a band of five other females. All stolen by the Tonan and left on a far planet to be killed off one by one or taken. The last time I saw the female shifter she was injured.”

  “Her inner shifter will fix her if she wasn’t killed outright.”

  “Then she is still alive. I can give you the coordinates, I know of a planet that would be perfect for you. In fact, the one she’s on would be. My warriors are going after the Gorgano to annihilate them.”

  “We have the same cause. Give us the means to create your weapon.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You mean you won’t.”

  Fast as lightning, Battle attacked and smashed Citun back into the cage where it locked. Three more cages settled over the last until he was boxed in. Citun was furious. He pounded on the cage but the reinforced material would take him a week to break through.

  * * * *

  Warning alarms were blaring all over the ship. Jari was bellowing into the console. Storm could hear Titus freaking out over the airwaves. Storm gathered Lano and Ashala close by pulling them into a corner.

  “What do we do?” Lano was wringing her hands together; her body flickered as would a glitch.

  “We need a plan,” Storm said and began pacing.

  “Titus has no clue where to find Citun and the others, listen to them. The tracker isn’t working or has been disabled. Citun’s simply disappeared,” Ashala said.

  There was more yelling in the background and Storm heard Zabbie. She was none too happy either.
/>   “Even Ryker and Zell are stumped. How can that be?” Lano whined.

  “I don’t know,” Storm said.

  A new voice was heard over the console. The voice spoke Zargonnii but not well, it wasn’t the alien’s native tongue.

  “Your leader is safe, for now.” Goose bumps rose at the ominous tone. “I am a Gan. You have a weapon we desire. We will trade for the knowledge of the weapon we saw used on the Gorgano. Give us the weapon, or Citun will be next seen floating before your vessel.”

  Lano swooned. “Heartless aliens, again.”

  “Pull it together,” Storm snapped. “The Gan wants me. They want the power. They have no clue I’m a human, not some device.”

  “The Gan can’t have you. Citun would have my hide. Damn, weren’t we just in this situation?” Jari had heard them and smashed his fist on the console.

  “Have we located the vessel yet?” Taft asked.

  “No, it must be near the crater. Or in the crater, or be the fucking crater,” Jari roared.

  “Lano can you find it?” Storm asked. She pulled the female farther from the warriors as not to be overheard.

  Lano shifted her feet. “I—might.”

  Storm put her hands on her shoulders. “Citun needs you. So do I. Please try. Go quietly, or Jari will blow up the galaxy to find you, and don’t be long.”

  Lano vanished. Storm paced for a few moments. Lano was shaking when she returned. She grabbed Storm by the hand.

  “There are at least a hundred males,” Lano whispered. “The leader, something about him is familiar.”

  “What? How?” Both Storm and Ashala asked.

  “They were talking about a battle until I realized it wasn’t a war it was a who. The leader’s name is Battle.”

  “Holy hell,” Storm muttered. “Can it be? Amini’s brother?”

  “Oh shit,” Ashala said. “The night she was stolen, she was still a child. Remember how proud she was the first time she shifted? She finally told us the story of her parents’ death. She thought her brother was killed trying to save her. Battle would move heaven and earth to get her back. Maybe he’s found out she’s alive and wants to go after her.”

  “Maybe he has no clue.”

  Storm raced to the console and pushed past Jari. “Battle?” she yelled.

  “Who is this?” a voice demanded.

  “My name is Storm, you have my mate. I have your sister’s whereabouts.”

  “You lie.”

  “Amini is alive. She told me and some others all about her big brother named Battle. She thought you were killed trying to save her from the Tonans. She was a child at the time and too young to shift. Your parents were killed in the attack. She said you would never hurt a female. She said you are an honorable warrior. Citun can’t give you the weapon you want, because the weapon is me.”

  Storm’s belly lurched and in seconds she was standing on the bridge of a vessel, staring into the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. Battle looked nothing like his baby sister, but just like the description Amini had given her. Storm smiled and wrapped her arms around him. Battle stiffened then relaxed. Storm gazed up at him.

  “Amini is going to be thrilled to see you.”

  Chapter 13

  Citun thought to never lay eyes on this certain planet again. He had mixed feelings, he’d almost died here, and he’d found Storm here. He had hoped never to return, especially with his mate. The surface looked the same as when they left, meaning the enemy hadn’t returned to cause more damage. Storm was so excited she was shaking. Citun was worried. He knew how much this planet meant to Storm, and he didn’t like the way Battle had been holding his mate when Citun was escorted to the bridge over a month ago. The fact Storm had her arms wrapped around his captor’s waist gave him pause.

  Storm was a frequent visitor on Battle’s ship as they traveled. Battle claimed to want to hear everything he could about his sister. Citun didn’t fear for Storm’s life while she was away, but the pair grew closer having a common interest. Citun knew Battle was becoming captivated by Storm; Storm never showed any interest in Battle except to speak of the planet and his sister. She still made love to Citun and claimed to love him, but Battle looked like a powerful human male, until he shifted. Now on his own bridge, they hovered over the area Storm directed him to.

  Not far from his ship was Battle’s. Already, the alien shifter transported to the ground. Citun had Jari send him, Storm and eight others to the surface. The second Storm’s feet landed she was off and running. Her high-pitched calls got the attention she wanted. Citun saw the little pink female emerge from a dark hole. Storm had her arms around her. The other females were more wary and held back seeing the new warriors.

  Amini squealed when she saw her brother and raced to him. It was strange to see them together; they looked nothing alike, except when they shifted. The female was a smaller version of her brother, ebony, sleek. Her brother was twice as large with a small mane surrounding his face trailing to his shoulder blades. The pair touched noses and cheeks. Battle wrapped his huge paws around her, dwarfing her. The others gave him a wide berth until they changed back. Battle held his sister at arm’s length.

  “You’re alive. You’re so grown up and so beautiful, you look just like mother. I thought they would have killed you,” Battle said.

  “They didn’t know I could shift until I grew up. When I shifted they didn’t want me anymore. They said I was useless. A Gorgano tried to kill me, but Storm stopped it. We hid her after that as best as we could. She’s my friend. I’m sorry father is gone; he would be so proud of you. You fill his paws well,” Amini said.

  “Is this planet habitable for our kind?” Battle asked.

  “It’s perfect, but the Cono won’t appreciate the males. I have no doubt you can protect us from them, but they are normally gentle creatures. Please don’t kill them. They are no match for my inner shifter; you could annihilate them all. They have little ones who need their parents.”

  “The only aliens I want dead are the Tonan and Gorgano,” Battle said on a growl.

  “That’s what we all want,” Citun said.

  “I can explain to the Cono with you here they are better protected, and you are not after their females,” Storm said. “I learned their language too late to save the human men, but hopefully they will listen. They have suffered a great deal. But the planet is large enough for all of you. They could use strong allies. ”

  More of Battle’s men began to land and he issued orders, as well as a small group of females. The last man to land was carrying a small child, a female. Citun was surprised; he gazed at Storm but she appeared as shocked as he was as she gazed from the child to the other females. The male placed the child into Battle’s arms. Battle handed her to Amini.

  Amini smiled as she inhaled the child’s scent. “She’s yours, Battle. Where is her mother, your mate?”

  “Killed by a Gorgano.”

  Citun realized then, Battle would hunt every Gorgano to the end of the universes. He knew he would if Storm were killed. The little girl wrapped her arms around Amini; she was so dainty. From the way she clung, it was as though she had known her aunt her entire life.

  “My warriors and I will stay to help you set up a home. Storm can speak to the Cono,” Citun said. Then I’m getting her the hell away from here.

  “We need to make certain the Gorgano are no longer a threat,” Battle said. He stared pointedly at Storm. “Will you stay? We can give you a home.”

  Citun growled. It was easy to see Battle wanted his mate. Storm smiled at Citun and slipped her hand into his.

  “My home is with Citun on the Zargonnii planet. But we can stay for a while, please, Citun?”

  He relaxed, somewhat. He knew as long as they stayed, Battle would try to coerce Storm into remaining. It didn’t help when the tiny, most adorable female he’d ever seen stretched her wee arms out to Storm. Storm was delighted to hold the child. Citun remembered her saying she loved other people’s children but wa
sn’t sure she wanted one of her own.

  “What’s your name?” Storm asked the child.

  “Heart, because she is mine,” Battle said.

  “That’s so beautiful,” Storm said.

  Citun’s own heart fell. It would take a miracle to get Heart out of Storm’s arms.

  * * * *

  “I’m exhausted,” Storm said.

  She gazed at the rock ceiling above her. One by one, a number of homes were built to accommodate the females, who were a shock to Storm. When all the warriors came together there was enough time to make ten before the inky black darkness settled in. The shifters could see in the dark, as could the Zargonnii, but all were exhausted from travel. The females curled up inside the homes in pairs. The males stayed close to the outside doors. Battle’s people weren’t cave dwellers but loved the different colors of the boulders they used.

  The light from a fire flickered in the middle of the room casting pleasant shadows. Beneath them and covering the door were two huge furs of creatures the Cono hunted. Storm was glad the Cono chose to make friends of the warriors instead of enemies.

  The introducing of the warriors had been tense at first. So many male scents must have drawn the Cono and they appeared overwhelmed as they paced the outskirts. Storm had approached with Battle and Citun. All it took were a few choice words from Storm and Battle shifted. The Cono dispersed to speak amongst themselves.

  “The dinner you and the others cooked was fantastic,” Citun said.

  “I’m happy you gave Battle’s people a few replicators. Battle and his men are smart. Once they take one apart and study it, I have no doubt they will make more. His people can battle but they love to learn. I’m happy they are new allies.”

  “I’ve never eaten that replicated food before.”

  “Most of it wasn’t. The Cono were generous and shared a kill. When Battle shifted Oct was so impressed. I’m happy there will be peace amongst them, there has been too much war.”

  “Are you happy to be back here?”

  His words were tight and she sensed his worry. “I’m happy to be here with you.”