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Guardian [New World Book 6] Page 7

  Jinx and Haven came racing from the cave followed closely by Skylar. Roam smiled at all of them, they were like a pack of wolves Taz showed him. They all came running when the leaders of the pack came home to welcome them. Haven was still at that gangly teenage stage. Roam had come across a few on Bagron her age. Most were smitten with the warriors. Skylar was a real beauty. Taz would have his hands full once they arrived on Roam’s planet.

  “He’s a beauty,” Haven gushed with enthusiasm over the deer. “I still think it’s amazing how you never find female animals to hunt.”

  Roam knew Taz did. He chose not to hunt anything female. It was a sore point with the warrior. Taz was angry over the loss of his parents. Being raised by a hurtful male aided in Taz’s compassion toward females. Roam didn’t think he personally could hunt anything female, regardless; it wasn’t in a Castian’s nature.

  “I’d like to get some roots to go with dinner. They need to be soaked in water first,” Jinx was looking at Taz.

  Taz gave her a wry glance. For the last few days, Jinx was a little more subservient when it came to Taz. Roam was wondering if she was trying to impress him by not being as unruly as Taz made her out to be.

  “Don’t be out long,” Taz said. “I still need Roam’s help after lunch.”

  “Yes, Dad,” Jinx said and rolled her eyes.

  Taz took a swat at her ass as she went by him. Roam trailed behind her until they entered the thicker part of the jungle. When traveling deep into the jungle, Roam was cautious. He couldn’t let his shield go up, but there were times when it was next to impossible. One of his greater fears was his shield occasionally had a mind of its own and was downright anal in its protection of him. Roam understood the reasoning behind this; if he was dead the reason for the shield would become moot.

  When Roam was a child, he used to fantasize his shield was a separate entity. He imagined his shield like a shadow, walking around. Attached, but not. Many children had imaginary friends except he really couldn’t group his shield within that category. The shield was real; he just couldn’t step away from it, or hide from it. It came from within.

  “So where did you grow up?” Jinx asked.

  Roam would have sighed, but she was watching him closely. Jinx thought of him as a mystery she needed to solve. Or as Macey would say: he was a gift Jinx wanted to unwrap. Roam could sense her emotions. Curiosity practically oozed from her pores. All week she had been on the question attack, while he took up defensive maneuvers. It was hard to get to know someone when you tried even harder to avoid them. Getting her to trust him was tricky.

  “A beautiful place.”

  “Does it have a name?”


  Jinx screwed her face into a mixture of curious emotion. “Never heard of it. Is it like one of those far-off places in a strange foreign area?”


  “Is that where you want us all to go after the rainy season?”

  “I’m hoping you will.”

  “So do you have a girl there?”

  Jinx had beaten around the question a few times; he wasn’t surprised she finally asked him point blank.

  “No, there’s no one there for me. I guess the women don’t find me acceptable.” That was a sore point. Roam knew he was handsome, but with so many other warriors around, the females could pick and choose. Even with a new crop of females added four years ago it would be seventeen years before any of them could mate.

  “I find you more than acceptable,” Jinx said. Roam could smell her shyness. The red hue creeping up her neck was cute. She was also being truthful.

  “If I were to kiss you would you let me?” Roam had seen Slay and Tia lip-locked more times than he cared to. He was desperate to try. By the time he had gotten around the age where he wanted to seek out a female they were gone. A Castian male could fight by the age of five, but they didn’t mature sexually until they were four hundred years old. The females died when he reached maturity. The next must cycle had them all frantic. It hit too soon, when it wasn’t supposed to come for another four hundred years. The shields on unmated warriors went into survival mode as the warriors died. Too many male children cried for their mothers, encouraging a new must cycle. A shield only sensed a warrior’s needs, it didn’t have thought as to where they would find females to mate with. Everyone went a little crazy.

  The war between the Tonans and the Castians escalated because of it. Four hundred year old men during must when there was no one to mate with made for some mighty angry warriors. Older warriors fared no better. Cobra and the few warriors left had their hands full with small boys with no parents. The small female children died first. A warrior couldn’t shield them forever. The poisoned water hit overnight. The women were already carrying their sons. It was then the horrible realization dawned. Females were selected for extinction. No one wanted to believe it, but when the male children lost their baby shields their mothers fell.

  It was bitter sweet for the females carrying the male babes. For some of the females, the boys were their first children. Knowing too late the water was poison and death was imminent for their females was torture for the men. One by one, the mothers had died as the time approached. Cobra had ordered the Castian men to keep their shields up, but ultimately it was a warrior’s choice. To Roam’s knowledge all had chosen death, to be with their mate.

  Jinx rose on tip toes. Her hands settled over his shoulders. Roam leaned down until they bumped noses. Jinx giggled and turned her head to the side. When her lips met his, Roam wanted to howl, but if he did, they would no longer be kissing. Inside her mouth was emotion heaven. Want, lust, satisfaction, smugness, knowing he wanted her. And the feeling of being cautious, anxious about giving herself to him from fear of loss. She wanted love, he could taste it, he could also taste her trepidation of the emotion; she had already lost so many loved ones. So many emotions at once, Roam thought for sure he would suffer mental exhaustion sorting them out.

  Roam guided her senses to settle on pleasure. She groaned. His essence mixed with her, by doing so she could tell him what she wanted, needed, or rather what her body did. When her hand reached down for his to settle onto a breast her desire for sex stormed throughout his blood. This could never end, Roam’s hands were on fire; he burned for her making him uncomfortable with desire. Roam never knew uncomfortable desire could be so sweet.

  A strange feeling crept up Roam’s spine invading his pleasure, if he could have sworn at his shield he would have. He didn’t want to battle his shield while battling his emotions. The urge grew stronger.

  Not now damn it stay down and behave.

  The feeling intensified. Roam pressed Jinx closer and peeked open an eye. A pair of black eyes gazed into his soul. The anaconda was directly behind Jinx. Roam was pissed. He also wasn’t about to give up her juicy red lips. Roam felt he would die when Jinx slipped her tongue into his mouth. The snake moved to strike.

  The armor of his shield slipped through his hand. Two talons struck out to impale those soulless eyes. The snake was at arm’s length, Jinx was oblivious.

  Sucks to be you, eh?

  The snake whipped around behind him until Roam removed his talons and settled his hand around behind its head and squeezed. Jinx was dragged tighter to his chest as the two hundred pound-plus snake wiggled until it settled. Roam had it, it was dead, but what to do with it now? Why did this little human attract so much danger? To Roam’s left was a pond. Easily he picked Jinx up in one arm, still kissing, and backed her up until the snake dangled over the water. He dropped it.

  Jinx broke the kiss. “Wow tiger, you sure can hold your breath.”

  Roam grinned. Actually, he had just forgotten to breathe. His hand, now without the shield went back to her breast. Jinx let him explore for a few moments until she cast her glance down.

  “We better move. I think that’s an anaconda down there. Good thing it’s asleep or we’d be in trouble,” she said.

  “What do you do for fun
during the rainy season?” Roam asked. He took her hand and they wandered away.

  “I think I’m going to like this rainy season far more than the last ones.”

  Her tone was suggestive. Roam felt like a puddle of water. Jinx dropped to her knees and pointed out some edible roots. From the corner of his eye Roam saw the lion.

  Damn it; take a fucking break, wildlife.

  Roam knew the rainy season’s approach would have the other animals in search of food. Roam wondered if Skylar and Haven would attract this much attention or if Jinx was just special. He needed to mate with her to save his sanity. When the lion pounced onto him he tossed it over his shoulder into the jungle. It landed with a crash. Jinx looked up.

  “Did you hear something?” she asked.

  “Look there’s more root.” Roam practically shoved her head into the bush. Using the back of his knee he kept her down.

  “All right for heaven sakes. Don’t push; I know you like this. I’ll make sure I get enough.”

  The lion leapt again, going for Roam’s throat. His shield closed over the exposed area as Roam gripped the lion by its mouth to silence it and its balls to make certain it left them alone. One good squeeze and the lion’s eyes rolled in pain, bulging. Roam grinned evilly, the bastard had a huge set—oh well, the more to give him pain. With a massive thrust Roam tossed it farther than last time. Once its mouth was released the lion screamed as it flew through the air. Jinx ducked under Roam’s knee and jumped up.

  “Holy shit,” she cried out, her face now a pale white. “What the hell was that?” Her gaze went left to right. Roam looked away from the lion who was still sailing through the air, no doubt gaining a breath before squealing again.

  “Sounded like a lion.”

  “I wonder what the hell happened to it. Sounds like someone lit his ass on fire.”

  “Or squeezed his balls,” Roam muttered.

  “We better go back to the cave. The animals get a little cranky this time of year. They get even more volatile. I have enough food.”

  Jinx slid her arm around Roam’s. Roam’s mind was on the kiss. He had to have another. Before they slipped into full view of the cave Roam grabbed Jinx by the arm and pulled her close. His mouth covered over hers and he heard her sigh. Her essence claimed him as he lapped at the insides of her cheeks. Roam felt the sweetness of her swim through his veins until he near burst with her.

  The soft touch of her hands wandering across his chest made him wish it was skin on skin contact. Her hair smelled of the succulent flowers she rolled between her hands to make slippery soap. Roam imagined his hands filled with the suds squeezing her breasts. Gripping her harder Roam was filled with the need to have her. Jinx was ready for him, he sensed it. She would forgive him as soon as she knew how safe she would be if she was his mate.

  Deeper into the jungle he took her, their mouths never breaking contact. Roam was going to do this, make her his. The idea of mating her filled his thoughts, nothing else mattered. There would be no more battling his must cycle. His need to mate blocked any other senses the urge was too strong.

  The sudden agony on his butt had his eyes wide. Roam groaned. He pulled Jinx to his chest, crushing her face into his throat, and looked back. He slung an armored fist behind him, cracking it into the lion’s jaw. The beast dropped like a stone, his armor reabsorbed into his skin. The animal was motionless, and alive. Roam swore it had a smug look on its face.

  Jinx stepped back and smiled into his face. Her expression changed to that of confusion. “Are you alright?”

  “Sure.” He sounded like someone had shoved a boulder up his ass.

  Fuck that’s agonizing.

  Jinx tugged on his hands. “Let’s go in.” She released him, oblivious of the lion unmoving in the brush. She turned and began walking back through the jungle toward the cave.

  “Give me a second,” he squeaked then looked down at the unconscious big cat. “You dirty bastard.”

  Taz came out of the cave. He strolled past Jinx and headed into the jungle within Roam’s sight. “I think we should get together with Macey now.”

  “Give me a second.” Roam groaned.


  His ass was still on fire. Taz stared quizzically at Roam.

  “Aren’t you coming in?” Jinx yelled when she reached the cave. Roam could just make her out between the bush.

  “In a minute,” Roam practically squeaked.

  Jinx strode off and Roam stood with his ass to the jungle. Taz sauntered up; he cast a glance at Roam’s behind and noted the lion and the patch of shield covering his ass.

  “Oh, shut up,” Roam said with a growl.

  Taz smacked him on the shoulder. “Welcome to my world.”

  * * * *

  Later in the afternoon, Macey, Taz and a disgruntled Roam found themselves in the jungle far from the others, trying to persuade a very stubborn little Tonan warrior not to turn Roam into gator lunchmeat.

  Roam got up off his ass. He kept his shield down and once more approached Macey. “It’s all right, little one. I won’t hurt your mother.”

  Roam could sense the child; he knew the child could sense him. When pregnant, a female had the most delicious aroma, especially to a warrior in must. The females were virtually irresistible, and Roam admitted controlling his lust was difficult. The baby shield served a useful purpose. The force field was invisible to the eye but Roam knew it was down. It was warrior instinct to know just how close to come to a pregnant female before the internal danger sensors were triggered. Closer he crept, arms splayed, closer, then wham, Roam went flying again.

  “Damn it,” he howled as he sailed through the air. Naturally he connected to the ground ass first. He bounced, skid and flopped onto his back, groaning.

  “Hey, he let you get closer that time,” Taz exclaimed, obviously delighted.

  “Yippee for me,” Roam grumbled.

  “Maybe he’s getting tired,” Macey said.

  “Even if he was asleep it wouldn’t matter, the shield doesn’t work like that. It’s like breathing, it just happens,” Roam said. He rolled over and stood up.

  “Your planet must be very entertaining when the women are pregnant,” Macey said then laughed. “I’ve never seen a man so large fly so far. I never realized how powerful a baby shield could be. I don’t think I ever needed it while carrying Ally.”

  Roam stood with his hands on his hips. “I have a clear mental image of me alone in a cave waiting out the rainy season.”

  “What did you say about your warrior mate and you? How come you could go near his mate while she was pregnant?” Taz asked.

  “Slay and I became warrior mates at twelve. A ritual of biting took place. Castians fight back to back, we feel incomplete without our warrior mates. It’s also added protection when we take female mates. Slay and I exchanged blood to form a bond which connects us. I feel him, even now as we speak I feel how happy he is, and he can feel how annoyed I am. I hear him occasionally. He knows I’m doing something I need to but he can’t figure it out.”

  Roam let his armor enclose over him. Macey gasped. Roam didn’t need to sense the babe’s worry to understand the baby shield was at full force. It was easier this way to connect with Slay. Roam searched for his warrior mate in his thoughts. He sensed it was night on Bagron. Slay was with his mate in her dreams. Roam found them in a pond. The two stopped frolicking, and giggling, Tia hid her naked body from Roam’s gaze.

  Roam? Nice timing buddy.

  I need your advice.

  Roam heard Slay chuckle as he searched Roam’s thoughts. Baby shield eh? Tough little warrior that one.

  A little help?

  Do you trust the Tonan?

  Yes. He needs my help to protect other females until Cobra returns. Which may take a while.

  Bite him.

  Slay broke the connection, no doubt returning to his luscious mate. Roam was shocked, his shield came down.

  “Well?” Taz asked.

  “If we exchan
ge blood the baby will sense you in me.”

  Taz stared at him openmouthed for a few seconds. “You mean like a warrior mate? Or family member?”

  “I don’t know.” Roam felt uncomfortable. He had a warrior mate; he didn’t need a filthy Tonan for one. His idea made him wince. Taz was a good Tonan, he was honorable. Roam had all but forgotten he was a Tonan. But to blood bond with him was not something to do lightly, it would indeed make them family. They would share a connection if they exchanged blood. They would share—everything.

  Taz would be privy to all Castian knowledge and vice versa. Roam didn’t want the memories of a murdering breed. Back in his memories, he was aware of the Castian history. They were all Castians at one point until for some reason a Castian went rogue. He then called himself a Tonan and broke all ties. Thus the Tonan cousins were born.

  “Does your warrior mate understand I’m a Tonan?” Taz said quietly.

  “Yes.” Slay was more forgiving toward Tonans. His was of an accepting nature, but he could afford to be open. Slay had a mate and a child, while Roam still had nothing—not even his planet.

  With his shield down, Taz was an open book of emotion. Roam felt his frustration and his hurt. No doubt he had felt Roam’s loathing. But the emotion wasn’t for Taz, it was for Tonans in general. Taz lost his mother, but Roam was an adult when both of his parents died. Roam’s father’s shield had been up when his mother died.

  Even after four hundred years, the raw wound wouldn’t heal. The sight of his father holding his dead mother. No amount of trying from his shield could ease his father’s pain. The bond between warrior and shield was a strange thing. The shield cared for its host; it did whatever it needed too to keep a warrior safe. For Roam, his shield was part of him, part of his father, his father’s love. The shield was a gift of protection, the greatest gift a father could give of himself to his son. A son he couldn’t shield within his own armor, and so he gave his son a piece of his armor as a gesture of self-sacrificing love.